
13 outubro 2022

O que ocorre quando um pesquisador faz parte do corpo editorial de um periódico?


O gráfico mostra o que ocorre quando um pesquisador passa a fazer parte de um conselho editorial de um periódico de economia. O momento 1 é quando ocorre a colaboração e o gráfico mostra o número de publicações por período. É possível notar que fazer parte de um conselho editorial pode ajudar de alguma forma na publicação do autor. Há diversas teorias para este resultado: favoritismo é uma delas, embora não seja a única razão. Para esta explicação há o fato de que os artigos publicados pelos autores que são do corpo editorial recebem menos citações. 

Partida tripla

The bookkeeping accounting method recognized all over the world is based on the so-called double entry, with which in each account (defined T-Account for its shape) there are two sections, Debit and Credit. These two sections take on different meanings depending on the nature of each account. The double entry is an exceptional consolidated accounting method that dates back to the fifteenth century, however it has highlighted limits in terms of auditing. The single entry did not take into account the cross relations between the accounts, reporting only on the journal. The double entry has overcome this limit by introducing the ledger, but a cross-check of the mirrored transactions recorded by the other companies is still missing. The introduction of blockchain technology could now offer a new opportunity to ensure further auditing control. The transition from double entry to triple entry is therefore only a matter of time. The blockchain itself is borrowing the word "ledger" from accounting and now it is time for accounting to introduce a third leg (another axis) to the T-Accounts, that can be turned into a new X-shaped version of accounts. This third axis can be used to include the unique identifier of each transaction represented by the Hash.

Há muito se discute a partida tripla. Aqui é a proposta que o terceiro item, além do débito e crédito, seja a identificação da transação em um ambiente de blockchain.

(Dica de Polyana) 

Rir é o melhor remédio


12 outubro 2022

Cripto ativos e a questão da instabilidade financeira

Um documento do European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA):  

Crypto-assets have gained increasing attention due to their rapid growth and so has the interest around their implications for the traditional financial system – including financial stability. ESMA has been following these developments closely for several years, including because of their risks to consumer protection, and outlines in this article the latest understanding of crypto-assets’ risks and transmission channels to financial markets. While some sources of risk are well understood from traditional markets, others are novel and linked to the product design, technological development, or the complex infrastructures built around crypto-assets. We find that, at present, crypto-assets are still small in size and their interlinkages to traditional markets are limited. In future, this situation may change as market growth can occur suddenly and risk transmission is possible through various channels. Continuous monitoring of the crypto-asset market and its interconnectedness with the wider financial system is required to assess newly emerging threats in a timely manner, while regulations such as the EU proposal “Markets in Crypto-Assets” (MiCA) should be implemented swiftly to mitigate already identified risks.

Rir é o melhor remédio


sim, mas ...

11 outubro 2022

JAR e um artigo sob suspeita

Um periódico como o Journal of Accounting Research - um dos melhores da nossa área - publicou um artigo que está sendo objeto de contestação. O artigo lida com fraude na contabilidade, um assunto relevante. Usando machine learning os autores conseguiram aumentar a taxa de detecção em relação a regressão logística. O problema é que um texto no EcoWatchJournal descobriu falhas no processo. Eis o resumo:

This critique examines the results of an article that applies machine learning to the detection of accounting fraud, published in Journal of Accounting Research. Their key finding is that machine learning improved fraud detection by 70 percent above a previously published logistic regression. The authors make their data and Matlab code available at Github. Using their files, I replicate their study. Upon closer inspection, we see that some fraudulent firms were contained in both the training and test samples, which improves the results of their model, but contradicts what was described in the published paper. I asked the authors about this issue and gratefully received a response. The response is quoted in the present critique. Getting a proper assessment of the potential of machine learning is important, as such techniques and models are relied upon by industry practitioners and regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Veja que o problema é sério. Os autores usaram as mesmas empresas na amostra de teste e na amostra de treinamento. Isto é um erro, já que melhora os resultados. 

Em agosto de 2022 os autores publicaram uma errata do artigo. Mas a crítica persistiu no próprio Econ Watch Journal:

This paper treats an erratum published in Journal of Accounting Research (JAR) in August 2022. The erratum was prompted by two critical comments authored by me and published in Econ Journal Watch. The erratum mischaracterizes its authors’ previous research related to the preferred test sample period. More importantly, the authors say that I identified an error in their program code. This is false. Rather, I identified a misidentification within the dataset, a misidentification that was disclosed neither in their original JAR article, nor in the program code appended to that article, nor in their Econ Journal Watch reply to my first comment. Finally, the erratum never addresses why the misidentification occurred, nor why they did not acknowledge the misidentification on the two prior opportunities to do so. I have asked for an investigation at the Journal of Accounting Research into academic research misconduct.

A errata tenta confundir a crítica feita, já que não foi um problema no código, mas o uso da base de dados. Veja que no final, Walker, que levantou a polêmica sugere que é um caso para investigação de má conduta científica. 

via aqui

Sites de empresas de contabilidade

 O Accounting Web promete mostrar nove sites de empresas de contabilidade que seriam exemplo para outras empresas. Apesar dos exemplos serem dos Estados Unidos e Inglaterra, eu acho que existem boas dicas aqui. Particularmente gostei do site da Perkins Accounting. Das grandes empresas é citado somente a PwC e isto é positivo: afinal queremos saber que não é preciso ser uma grande potência financeira para produzir um conteúdo agradável para o potencial cliente. 

A relação pode ser encontrada aqui. Seria interessante uma iniciativa deste tipo aqui no Brasil. Afinal, qual seria o site de empresa de contabilidade mais bonito?