
08 julho 2022

iPhone e a produção mundial


O novo iPhone 13 Pro da Apple é um feito notável da cooperação internacional. Com sua bateria desenvolvida pela empresa chinesa Sunwoda Electronic, a tela da Samsung e LG da Coréia do Sul e a caixa de vidro da Corning dos EUA, o iPhone une o trabalho de empresas de todo o mundo. Em uma análise mais aprofundada, você descobrirá que os microchips são projetados por fabricantes terceirizados, a memória flash é desenvolvida pela Kioxa do Japão e a interface é da NXP Semiconductors na Holanda.

O iPhone é a vaca leiteira da Apple, com cerca de metade do faturamento da empresa sendo trazido pelo produto de assinatura. Mas, assim como qualquer outro gigante da tecnologia, para permanecer competitivo a Apple está constantemente à procura de maneiras de diversificar. Em 2021, a divisão de entretenimento da empresa, iTunes e Apple TV, representou uma participação de 19% nas vendas. Seus alto-falantes e fones inteligentes - como o Apple Watch - também tiveram crescimento nos últimos anos. Enquanto isso, as ações trazidas por seus Macs e iPads permaneceram relativamente consistentes, em torno de 10%.

Fonte: aqui

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Facebook e sua grande função: lembrar os aniversários

07 julho 2022


In the bad old days of fraud – corruption, non-disclosure of information, self-dealing, cover-ups, lying, insider trading, and embezzlement were rife. They still are, but they have been given a digital edge by modern technology. This has made crime easier for many more people, but conversely, technology has also provided new tools for detection and prevention.

Research published in the International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation looks at the world of fraud in the online realm and shows that it remains a multidimensional and complex world of crime driven, commonly, by greed, sometimes by necessity, but also by a failure of morality that exploits its victims heartlessly. The study author Parvati T. Soneji of the Department of Commerce at Banasthali Vidyapeeth in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, hopes to unravel some of the complexities of modern fraud.

In the world of business, says Soneji, “The desire for achievements, fear of losing one’s job, challenges meeting financial targets for bonuses, unhealthy competition, and criminal collaborations” might all lead a person into instigating or participating in financial fraud. There are many factors that might lead someone in management to take this route, personality traits, beliefs and attitudes, social customs, institutional rules and regulations, ethical values, and even the organisational culture within which they work.

Soneji addresses fraud theory through the simple triangle of opportunity, pressure, and rationalization. In this theory, a putative white-collar fraudster spots a loophole or opening that gives them the opportunity, the factors that influence them in deciding whether or not to exploit the opportunity apply the pressure, and post-fact they might then explain away their decision and actions to alleviate their guilt.

This simplistic triangle is expanded to a four-cornered diamond that adds capability, whether or not the would-be fraudster has the knowledge and skills to carry out the fraud. Finally, a fraud pentagon adds the very personal notion of the potential criminal’s character in terms of their level of arrogance. With all five factors in place in the fraud pentagon, the committing of the crime is almost inevitable.

Such theories of fraud can give context to the after-effects of the fraud and the evidence left behind. This might allow investigators to trace back the end result to its beginnings in order to identify the perpetrator. It might also give those who would endeavour to prevent fraud an insight into the psychological and other factors that might be exposed and addressed before a crime is committed.

Soneji, P.T. (2022) ‘The Fraud theories: Triangle, Diamond, Pentagon’, Int. J. Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.49–60.

Via aqui

Rir é o melhor remédio


Seleção: bebe café? Não. Reprovado. 

06 julho 2022

Eleição de mulheres e violência

Defesa da eleição de mulheres para cargos políticos:  

This paper studies the effect of female political representation on violence against women. Using a Regression Discontinuity design for close mayoral elections between female and male candidates in Brazil, we find that electing female mayors leads to a reduction in episodes of gender violence. The effect is particularly strong when focusing on incidents of domestic violence, when the aggressor is the ex-husband/boyfriend, and when victims experienced sexual violence. The evidence suggests that female mayors might implement different policies from male mayors and therefore contribute to reduce gender violence

Os autores do estudo são chilenos. Eis um dos resultados:

Questão ambiental, segundo o príncipe Charles

A questão ambiental não é fácil. Há muita celebridade que prega jargões ambientalistas, mas com certas atitudes que não são condizentes com o discurso. Isto já tinha sido notado com um ex-vice-presidente, Al Gore, que viajava de jatinhos. Mais um que foi confrontado é o príncipe Charles:

As empresas também serão cobradas nesta questão. 

Rir é o melhor remédio


Genial Quino, sempre atual. Hierarquia é tudo no mundo corporativo