
05 janeiro 2020

Narrativas Econômicas: o novo livro de Shiller


This address considers the epidemiology of narratives relevant to economic fluctuations. The human brain has always been highly tuned towards narratives, whether factual or not, to justify ongoing actions, even such basic actions as spending and investing. Stories motivate and connect activities to deeply felt values and needs. Narratives “go viral” and spread far, even worldwide, with economic impact. The 1920-21 Depression, the Great Depression of the 1930s, the so-called “Great Recession” of 2007-9 and the contentious political-economic situation of today, are considered as the results of the popular narratives of their respective times. Though these narratives are deeply human phenomena that are difficult to study in a scientific manner, quantitative analysis may help us gain a better understanding of these epidemics in the future.

Fonte: aqui

Resultado de imagem para narratives economics

Trabalhando no feriado

An analysis of submissions to two top journals showed that scientists in the U.S. were highly likely to be working during holidays.
A study found that more than a tenth of U.S.-based researchers who submitted manuscripts and peer review reports to journals did so during the holidays.

By Dalmeet Singh Chawla

Dec. 18, 2019

Jay Van Bavel, a social neuroscientist at New York University, is vowing not to work during the Christmas holidays.

A few years ago, Dr. Van Bavel had agreed to conduct peer review on a couple of manuscripts before the end of the semester. But he got really busy and ended up having to do one on Christmas Day and another on New Year’s Eve, while his family was visiting.

“I felt like I let down myself and my family,” said Dr. Van Bavel, who gets asked to conduct peer-review 100 to 200 times a year. But he says he has now learned his lesson, and is not planning to do any work in the Christmas holidays this year, except perhaps the odd email.

If Dr. Van Bavel holds to his vow, he’ll beat the trend of many of his colleagues. While you might be setting an out-of-office message and backing away from your keyboard as the winter holidays set in, many researchers in academia can be found working straight through the season. Scientists based in the United States are, in fact, the third most likely to work during holidays, behind only their counterparts in Belgium and Japan, according to a study published Thursday in BMJ.

The study — aiming to quantify some of the overwork and burnout experienced by researchers in the sciences — examined nearly 50,000 manuscript submissions and more than 75,000 peer-review submissions to BMJ and its sister journal, BMJ Open. More than a tenth of U.S.-based researchers who submitted manuscripts and peer review reports to journals did so during the holidays.

At the same time, researchers in China lead the world in working on weekends, where more than a fifth of academics submitted papers and peer-review reports, followed by those based in Japan, Italy and Spain. More than a tenth of researchers in the United States turned in studies on weekends, and more than 15 percent conducted peer review.

Scandinavian nations had the best work-life balance. Scientists in Sweden were least likely to work during holidays, and those in Norway generally kept their weekends free.

Adrian Barnett, a statistician and metascience researcher at Queensland University of Technology in Australia, who co-wrote the analysis, thought of conducting the analysis while submitting a paper on the weekend.

“This is a real marker of how hard I’m working,” he said.

The study has shortcomings. Among them, it only accounts for manuscript submissions and peer review, just two of many tasks on an academic’s plate, for instance.

“While this study provides a starting point to demonstrate that academics are indeed spending time working on weekends and holidays, it does not delve deeper into the types or amounts of work that academics may be doing on weekends or holidays,” says Valerie Miller, assistant director of postdoctoral affairs at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Barnett acknowledges these shortcomings, although he noted that these markers were most easily traceable because academic publishers time-stamp electronic study and peer-review submissions.

Dr. Miller is currently conducting a survey on the work of postdoctoral researchers, who are usually considered to be early in their careers. A study conducted by the Young Academy of Europe earlier this year found that around half of early-career researchers there work more than 50 hours a week. Other studies have also reported a mental health crisis among graduate students, with large numbers saying their Ph.D. is the cause of their mental condition.

Another limitation of the BMJ study is that it can’t distinguish between researchers’ career stages, and only includes scientists working predominantly in health and medicine.

While submitting a study can lead to a publication that is valuable for an academic’s career, peer-review can be a more thankless task.

Some countries, like Italy, Spain, France and New Zealand report higher percentages of peer-review activity on weekends than manuscript submissions. Dr. Barnett suggests that academics find themselves lacking the time to perform this labor during their workweek because it’s often not considered “actual work.”

As a measure of how peer review is regarded, a survey published earlier this year found that around half of just under 500 researchers had during their careers ghostwritten peer review reports on behalf of senior faculty.

“Peer review is central to the scientific mission and ought to be re-centered in our evaluation systems, not something to be done in an academic’s ‘free time,’” said Rebeccah Lijek, a biologist at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts who led the ghostwriting study.
It’s also getting more difficult to recruit academics to conduct peer review, a report released last year showed, and a small batch of reviewers seem to be doing a disproportionate amount of peer review.

Dr. Lijek thinks Dr. Barnett’s findings are only the tip of the iceberg: “What’s still under water are the many hours of labor performed by teams of junior researchers that precede submission.”

Dr. Barnett feels that academics are forced to do too much.

“We’re pushed to produce more so that universities can rise up the league tables,” he said.

With that in mind, Dr. Van Bavel is trying to take a new approach in his lab.

“A few weeks ago, I had a lab meeting where we created a work life balance policy to minimize the pressure to work on the weekend,” he said.

© 2020 The New York Times Company


O RetractionWatch é um site especializado em monitorar as retratações na pesquisa científica. É um trabalho notável e já usamos algumas das notícias do site aqui no blog (aqui, aqui e aqui). Ao fazer um levantamento de 2019, o site computou mais de mil retratações. Na verdade, mais de 1.433 (até meados de dezembro).

O site também fez uma lista de dez casos interessantes, que foi publicado na The Scientist. Entre eles selecionamos os seguintes:

a) A retratação de Eric Potts-Kant tem um valor específico: 112 milhões de dólares. O pesquisador, quando vinculado a Duke University, usou dados falsos nas suas pesquisas. E estas pesquisas foram usadas para pedir ajuda pública para a escola. O governo não gostou e cobrou da universidade.

b) O periódico Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences teve 434 retratações. Em maio, a Clarivante tirou o periódico do Web of Science.

c) O coreano Cho Kuk publicou em 2009 um artigo no Korean Journal of Pathology em co-autoria com sua filha, que era primeira autora.O detalhe que sua filha estava no ensino médio. Tempos depois, a filha de Cho Kuk estudou na Pusan National University, onde foi reprovada por duas vezes nos exames e recebeu 10 mil dólares de auxílio financeiro.  

d) Em 2017 dois indianos publicaram um artigo no CrystalEngComm. O artigo tinha uma grande semelhança com um manuscrito submetido em outro periódico, Dalton Transactions, onde um dos autores tinha sido parecerista.

Número de autores

A quantidade de papers por número de autores revela um grande número de artigos com mais de mil autores. Parece exagero. Além disto, entre 2009 a 2013 versus 2014 a 2018, este número cresceu para mais de mil artigos. (Via aqui)

Rir é o melhor remédio

Reunião de família

04 janeiro 2020

Luca Pacioli: Father of Accounting

Um vídeo sobre Luca Pacioli. É um pouco antigo (veja os computadores que aparece), mas é bem interessante para quem gosta de história. Infelizmente, sem legendas em português.

Como Custos ajuda a explicar o setor de Streaming

Uma entrevista de Jimmy Iovine tem alguns detalhes interessantes. Iovine é executivo que ajudou a criar a empresa Beats e a Apple Music. Quando questionado sobre o maior problema do streaming de música (como Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, entre outros) e afirmou que era a margem, que não aumenta. Fazendo uma comparação ele disse que na Netflix, ao contrário, “quanto mais assinantes você tiver, menor o custo”. Obviamente ele se refere ao custo unitário. E continua afirmando que “na transmissão de música, os custos seguem você”.

Isto é interessante pois lida com os conceitos básicos de custos: custo variável e custo fixo. O que Iovine disse é que no streaming de música, os custos são essencialmente variáveis. Ou seja, o que interessa é a margem de contribuição, que deve ser necessariamente positiva. Já na televisão, como é o caso da Netflix, as produções próprias fazem com que a existência dos custos associados ao produto exclusivo de cada canal possam ser absorvidos pelo preço. Assim, o aumento no número de assinantes permite a existência de uma economia de escala, que não existe na música.

No setor de música, Iovine destaca que os serviços são iguais. Assim, as músicas existentes na Amazon ou na Spotify são semelhantes. O mesmo parece não ocorrer na televisão: se gosto dos desenhos da Disney, tenho que assinar o streaming da Disney; se quero ver La Casa del Papel, devo assinar a Netflix. Em setores customizados, a guerra de preços pode ser fatal, já que não existe diferenciação no produto.

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