
04 outubro 2018

Declínio da Inteligência Artificial


Underpinning much of the buzz over artificial intelligence in London and elsewhere is the implicit premise that AI is thetransformative technology of the moment, or maybe of the decade, or even of the century or, well, just about ever. Promises like the AI Summit’s claim that the technology goes “beyond the hype” to “deliver real value in business” only drives the corporate feeding frenzy among executives desperate not to be left behind.
But there is something else going on “beyond the hype,” something that ought to be disconcerting for AI boosters: Among those closest to the cutting edge of machine learning, there is a sense–perhaps a faint but creeping suspicion—that deep learning, the techniques which underpin most of what people think of as ground-breaking AI, may not deliver on its promise.
For one thing, there’s a growing consensus among AI researchers that deep learning alone will probably not get us to artificial general intelligence (the idea of a single piece of software that is more intelligent than humans at a wide variety of tasks). But there’s also a growing fear that AI may not create systems that are reliably useful for even a narrower set of real-world challenges, like autonomous driving or making investment decisions.

Filip Piekniewski, an expert on computer vision in San Diego who is currently the principal AI scientist for Koh Young Technology Inc, a company the builds 3D measurement devices, recently kicked off a debate with a viral blog post predicting a looming “AI Winter,” a period of disillusionment and evaporating funding for AI-related research. “(The field has experienced several such periods over the past half-century.)

Piekniewski’s evidence? The pace of AI breakthroughs seems to be slowing and those breakthroughs that are occurring seem to require ever-larger amounts of data and computer power. Several top AI researchers who had been hired by big tech firms to head in-house AI labs have left or moved into slightly less prominent roles. And most importantly, Piekniewski argues that the recent crashes of self-driving cars point to fundamental issues with the ability of deep learning to handle the complexity of the real world. Even more notable than the crashes, he says, is how often machines lose confidence in their ability to make safe decisions and cede control back to human drivers.
Piekniewski also references the work of New York University’s Gary Marcus, who earlier this year published a much-discussed paper critiquing the failings of today’s deep learning systems. This software, Marcus argues, can identify objects in images, but lacks any model of the real world. As a result, they often can’t handle new situations, even if they are very similar to the ones they’ve been trained to perform. For instance, the DeepMind algorithm that performs so well at the Atari game “Breakout”—and which the company often highlights in public presentations—does terribly if it is suddenly presented with a different-sized paddle, whereas a top human player would likely find the larger paddle wasn’t much of a handicap.


Fonte: aqui

Quanto um influenciador ganha por postagem?

Um texto da BBC (aqui em espanhol) mostra que o número de seguidores é um variável relevante para determinar o ganho que um influenciador tem por postagem. A escala é a seguinte:

10 mil seguidores = 130 dólares para cada post
30 mil seguidores = 970 dólares para marca de moda ou beleza
1 milhão de seguidores = 13 mil dólares
Kylie Jenner (quem?) = 16 milhões de seguidores no Instagram, 25 milhões no Twitter e 21 milhões no Facebook. Ganha cerca de US $ 1 milhão por um único post .

Outros exemplos extremos:

Selena Gomez : 139 milhões de seguidores, US $ 800.000 por postagem.
Cristiano Ronaldo : 137 milhões de seguidores, US $ 750.000 por postagem.
Kim Kardashian West : 114 milhões de seguidores, US $ 720.000 por postagem.
Beyonc e Knowles : 116 milhões de seguidores, US $ 700.000 por postagem.

Mas o ganho depende de como é feita a postagem, o tipo de produto promovido e até a rede social (Instagram dá mais dinheiro que Facebook e Twitter, por exemplo).

Rir é o melhor remédio

Ministro da Canadá, falando na ONU. Poucas pessoas e os presentes no celular.

03 outubro 2018

Futuro do contador nos EUA

A demanda por contadores nos EUA continuará alta pelos próximos 10 anos, segundo o Departamento de Estatística de Trabalho daquele país. O crescimento da demanda por contadores será maior que a média das demais profissões.

In 2016, the government counted 1,397,700 people working in the field as auditors and accountants. By 2026 they anticipate a growth of 10 percent or 139,900 jobs, bringing total employment to 1,537,600.

Over the next eight years many CPAs will retire, which is significant growth because it’s growth over and above filling jobs as CPAs retire. Also worth noting, for the first time the number of partners over 50 declined from 69.9 percent to 65.6 percent, due to retirements. The national average is about 55.7 percent in smaller firms.

Why is the Profession Growing?

The BLS report gives four reasons for growth:

1. A Growing Economy. More new companies means more financial records to be analyzed and

2. More IPOs. Once a private company goes public, the amount of financial reporting increases substantially.

3. Globalization. Doing business overseas means complying with multiple tax codes. There are issues related to M&A and trade.

4. Technological Advancement. While routine accounting tasks will be more automated, the advisory and analytical role of the job will move to center stage.

Where’s the Demand for Accountants?

The BLS also reports the top five states for growth in the accounting profession will be California, Texas, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania.

The BLS has an overall job growth projection for all occupations as 7 percent over the 2016 – 2026 period. With 10 percent growth in the accounting sector and 19 percent growth in the financial manager sector, skills within this industry are in high demand.

Fonte: aqui

... e nem titular era

Com respeito a ganhadora do Nobel de Física, que não tinha verbete na Wikipedia, além disto ela não era professora titular da sua universidade (Waterloo, Canadá). Ela nunca se candidatou.

Cowen lembra que é trabalhoso candidatar a titular (compilar um dossiê, escrever documentos etc) para obter um aumento de US$1.500 de promoção, sem falar nos impostos. Além de responsabilidades administrativas.


Um dia poderemos ter androides sofisticados o suficiente para fazer tudo o que os contadores humanos fazem agora; mas então o próprio conceito de “contador” terá mudado para além do reconhecimento. (Tim Harford)

Rir é o melhor remédio