
15 agosto 2016

Impacto econômico das universidades

Estudando 78 países e 15 mil universidades, Anna Valero e John Van Reenen estimaram os efeitos econômicos, do século XI até os dias de hoje. O número de universidades está associado a taxa futura de crescimento da economia:

We estimate fixed effects models at the sub-national level between 1950 and 2010 and find that increases in the number of universities are positively associated with future growth of GDP per capita (and this relationship is robust to controlling for a host of observables, as well as unobserved regional trends). Our estimates imply that doubling the number of universities per capita is associated with 4% higher future GDP per capita. Furthermore, there appear to be positive spillover effects from universities to geographically close neighboring regions. We show that the relationship between growth and universities is not simply driven by the direct expenditures of the university, its staff and students. Part of the effect of universities on growth is mediated through an increased supply of human capital and greater innovation (although the magnitudes are not large). We find that within countries, higher historical university presence is associated with stronger pro-democratic attitudes.

Auditorias da CGU reduzem corrupção em 8%

Esta é a conclusão deste working paper:


Political corruption is considered a major impediment to economic development, and yet it remains pervasive throughout the world. This paper examines the extent to which government audits of public resources can reduce corruption by enhancing political and judiciary accountability. We do so in the context of Brazil’s anti-corruption program, which randomly audits municipalities for their use of federal funds. We find that being audited in the past reduces future corruption by 8 percent, while also increasing the likelihood of experiencing a subsequent legal action by 20 percent. We interpret these reduced-form findings through a political agency model, which we structurally estimate. Based on our estimated model, the reduction in corruption comes mostly from the audits increasing the perceived threat of the non-electoral costs of engaging in corruption.

 Keywords: Corruption, Audits, Political Selection, Political Accountability, Judicial accountability

Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt PoliticiansEric Avis, Claudio Ferraz, and Frederico Finan - July 2016

Rir é o melhor remédio

Dica daqui

14 agosto 2016

Estácio revisa balanço

Após acordo com a Kroton, a empresa Estácio, da área de educação, revisou os três últimos exercícios sociais, reduzindo a menor o lucro:

"Foram identificados e mensurados erros que afetaram tanto o resultado do segundo trimestre de 2016, quanto o resultado de exercícios anteriores", disse a empresa. A nova administração, que começou a mudar em abril deste ano, disse ter identificado "transações consideradas não compatíveis com os padrões e políticas da companhia".

Entre os ajustes anunciados para os resultados de exercícios anteriores, o principal impacto veio de revisão no provisionamento de recebíveis de alunos, cujos contratos foram considerados em situação inadequada. Há ainda efeitos de despesas de publicidade e propaganda e créditos tributários expirados de empresas adquiridas.

Rir é o melhor remédio

Fonte: Aqui