O Reino Unido decidiu sair da comunidade europeia num plebiscito, num movimento denominado Brexit. Qual seria o efeito deste fato na contabilidade?
A comunidade europeia foi um projeto de transformar países com grandes diferenças num único mercado. Certamente contribuiu muito como fonte inspiradora para a proposta de criar um mesmo conjunto de regras contábeis entre os diversos países, expresso no International Accounting Standards Board. E é importante lembrar que a sede do Iasb encontra-se em Londres. Outro ponto relevante é os membros do Iasb são 14, sendo dois do Reino Unido. Existe também um representante da França, outro da Alemanha, além do chairman, que é holandês. A presença do Reino Unido só é menor que a dos Estados Unidos. A questão relevante é: será que o referendo irá mudar a posição do Reino Unido no Iasb?
Sendo otimista, não. É bom lembrar que o país que tem mais resistência em adotar as normas contábeis é aquele que possui mais representante (estamos falando dos EUA). Além disto, a mudança de sede é muito trabalhosa e envolve custos, algo que deve ser levado em consideração nas decisões futuras do Iasb. Adicione a isto o fato de que o Iasb já resistiu a pressões políticas no passado, como a perspectiva de mudar as normas contábeis de valor justo. E existem fortes interesses em manter a convergência internacional. Para finalizar, é bom lembrar que das quatro principais empresas contábeis, duas estão fortemente vinculadas ao Reino Unido: EY e PwC, que possuem sede em Londres. E estas empresas são importantes financiadoras do Iasb e interessadas diretas na convergência pelos efeitos nos seus ganhos de escala.
Mas existe o outro lado. O Brexit pode ser o início de um movimento de separação e acirramento de isolamento. A saída de outros países da comunidade europeia pode influenciar novos rumos na convergência. Será que os países europeus irão aceitar a excessiva representação do Reino Unido no Iasb? Talvez isto não seja relevante, mas estamos falando de decisões que muitas vezes não são completamente racionais. Outro aspecto é que o Reino Unido tinha uma contabilidade bem desenvolvida antes do Iasb. A entrada na entidade de regulação contábil representou uma redução na qualidade contábil. Já relatamos aqui no blog divergências entre os britânicos e as normas do Iasb. O movimento separatista pode contaminar as entidades do Reino Unido, exigindo a saída do Iasb, numa posição extrema.
Talvez ainda seja cedo para comentar sobre este assunto. Aguardemos os próximos capítulos.
24 junho 2016
A década da Índia: 2014 à 2024
India has the potential to be the fastest growing economy over the coming decade, according to new growth projections presented by researchers at the Center for International Development at Harvard University(CID). The researchers use their newly updated measure of economic complexity, which captures the diversity and sophistication of productive capabilities embedded in a country’s exports, to generate the growth projections. The projections reflect the latest 2014 trade data available. The global landscape for economic growth that results shows greatest potential for rapid growth in South Asia and East Africa. Conversely, oil economies and other commodity-driven economies face the slowest growth outlook.
India tops the global list for predicted annual growth rate for the coming decade, at 7.0 percent. This far outpaces projections for its northern neighbor and economic rival, China, which the researchers expect to face a continued slowdown to 4.3 percent growth annually to 2024.
“India has made important gains in productive capabilities, allowing it to diversify its exports into more complex products, including pharmaceuticals, vehicles, even electronics,” said Ricardo Hausmann, Professor of the Practice of Economic Development at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), the leading researcher of The Atlas of Economic Complexity, and the director of CID.
Hausmann notes these gains in economic complexity have historically translated into higher incomes. “China has already realized many of these gains, doubling per capita income in less than a decade. We expect that India’s recent gains in complexity, coupled with its ability to continue improving it will drive higher incomes, positioning India to lead global economic growth over the coming decade,” Hausmann said.
Como os governos lidam com a dívida pública?
ThE GREAT RECESSION fades from memory, but its effects linger. Nations around the globe still carry its legacy in the form of substantial public and private debt. How governments have dealt with such “debt overhangs” in the past 200 years is the subject of a paper by Carmen Reinhart, Zombanakis professor of the international financial system at Harvard Kennedy School; Vincent Reinhart of the American Enterprise Institute; and Kenneth S. Rogoff, Cabot professor of public policy. The authors say that many observers have forgotten about some of the tools that even advanced economies have used in the past to lessen their obligations.
The aftermath of the recent recession was unusual, Carmen Reinhart pointed out in an interview, in that the levels of debt incurred were more characteristic of the accrued sums confronted in postwar periods like those following World Wars I and II, but the inherent recovery mechanisms typically seen at war’s end—the return of a larger labor force, the deployment of resources to economic goods rather than wartime production—did not apply. The reason that debt levels are now so high has everything to do with context, she explained. In addition to government debt, there was massive private borrowing by individuals and the financial sector in advanced economies around the world before the crisis; they took advantage of low interest rates to finance spending—a process now repeating itself in emerging Asia and elsewhere, she said. When sub-prime borrowers defaulted on their mortgage payments, financial institutions were left with the debt. Pension funds also carry large liabilities on their books, mainly related to demographic pressures associated with an aging workforce.
The aftermath of the recent recession was unusual, Carmen Reinhart pointed out in an interview, in that the levels of debt incurred were more characteristic of the accrued sums confronted in postwar periods like those following World Wars I and II, but the inherent recovery mechanisms typically seen at war’s end—the return of a larger labor force, the deployment of resources to economic goods rather than wartime production—did not apply. The reason that debt levels are now so high has everything to do with context, she explained. In addition to government debt, there was massive private borrowing by individuals and the financial sector in advanced economies around the world before the crisis; they took advantage of low interest rates to finance spending—a process now repeating itself in emerging Asia and elsewhere, she said. When sub-prime borrowers defaulted on their mortgage payments, financial institutions were left with the debt. Pension funds also carry large liabilities on their books, mainly related to demographic pressures associated with an aging workforce.
This paper explores the menu of options for renormalizing public debt levels relative to nominal activity in the long run, should governments eventually decide to do so. Orthodox ones for medium-term debt stabilization, the standard fare of officialdom, include enhancing growth, running primary budget surpluses, and privatizing government assets. Heterodox polices include restructuring debt contracts, generating unexpected inflation, taxing wealth, and repressing private finance. We examine 70 episodes across 22 advanced economies from 1800 to 2014 where there were significant and sustained reductions in public debt relative to nominal GDP. In the event, advanced countries have relied far more on heterodox approaches than many observers choose to remember.
“Dealing with Debt,” (with Vincent Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff), Journal of International Economics, Vol. 86(1), April 2015, 543-555.
Fonte: aqui
This paper explores the menu of options for renormalizing public debt levels relative to nominal activity in the long run, should governments eventually decide to do so. Orthodox ones for medium-term debt stabilization, the standard fare of officialdom, include enhancing growth, running primary budget surpluses, and privatizing government assets. Heterodox polices include restructuring debt contracts, generating unexpected inflation, taxing wealth, and repressing private finance. We examine 70 episodes across 22 advanced economies from 1800 to 2014 where there were significant and sustained reductions in public debt relative to nominal GDP. In the event, advanced countries have relied far more on heterodox approaches than many observers choose to remember.
“Dealing with Debt,” (with Vincent Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff), Journal of International Economics, Vol. 86(1), April 2015, 543-555.
23 junho 2016
Rombo também no Fundo de Pensão
Apesar das ressalvas do auditor, o fundo de pensão dos funcionários da Petros apresentou um balanço não agradável:
O fundo de pensão dos trabalhadores da Petrobrás, a Petros, registrou em 2015 um déficit acumulado em R$ 23,1 bilhões em três planos de previdência. Os resultados foram apresentados nesta quinta-feira, 23, aos conselheiros do fundo. Este é o terceiro ano consecutivo de perdas na Petros, o que exigirá um aporte adicional de R$ 8 bilhões da Petrobrás para equacionar o rombo de um dos planos em até 18 anos. Também os pensionistas e participantes da ativa deverão fazer novas contribuições já a partir do próximo ano.
A gestão financeira dos fundos de estatais há muito carece de investigação: má fé ou incompetência. Ou ambos.
O fundo de pensão dos trabalhadores da Petrobrás, a Petros, registrou em 2015 um déficit acumulado em R$ 23,1 bilhões em três planos de previdência. Os resultados foram apresentados nesta quinta-feira, 23, aos conselheiros do fundo. Este é o terceiro ano consecutivo de perdas na Petros, o que exigirá um aporte adicional de R$ 8 bilhões da Petrobrás para equacionar o rombo de um dos planos em até 18 anos. Também os pensionistas e participantes da ativa deverão fazer novas contribuições já a partir do próximo ano.
A gestão financeira dos fundos de estatais há muito carece de investigação: má fé ou incompetência. Ou ambos.
Acelerando a cura do câncer com engenharia financeira
Advances in financial engineering are radically reshaping the biomedical marketplace. For instance, new methods of pooling diversified drug development programs by placing them in a special purpose vehicle (SPV) have been proposed to create a securitized cancer megafund allowing for debt and equity participation. In this study, we perform theoretical and numerical simulations that highlight the role of empirical validation of the projects comprising a cancer megafund. We quantify the degree to which the deliberately designed structure of derivatives and investments is key to its liquidity. Research megafunds with comprehensive in silicoand laboratory validation protocols and ability to issue both debt, and equity as well as hybrid financial products may enable conservative investors including pension funds and sovereign government funds to profit from unique securitization opportunities. Thus, while hedging investor's longevity risk, such well-validated megafunds will contribute to health, well being and longevity of the global population.
Advances in financial engineering are radically reshaping the biomedical marketplace. For instance, new methods of pooling diversified drug development programs by placing them in a special purpose vehicle (SPV) have been proposed to create a securitized cancer megafund allowing for debt and equity participation. In this study, we perform theoretical and numerical simulations that highlight the role of empirical validation of the projects comprising a cancer megafund. We quantify the degree to which the deliberately designed structure of derivatives and investments is key to its liquidity. Research megafunds with comprehensive in silicoand laboratory validation protocols and ability to issue both debt, and equity as well as hybrid financial products may enable conservative investors including pension funds and sovereign government funds to profit from unique securitization opportunities. Thus, while hedging investor's longevity risk, such well-validated megafunds will contribute to health, well being and longevity of the global population.
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