
05 janeiro 2015

A crise esquecida: a depressão de 1921

Beginning in January 1920, something much worse than a recession blighted the world. The U.S. suffered the steepest plunge in wholesale prices in its history (not even eclipsed by the Great Depression), as well as a 31.6% drop in industrial production and a 46.6% fall in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Unemployment spiked, and corporate profits plunged.

What to do? “Nothing” was the substantive response of the successive administrations of Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding. Well, not quite nothing. Rather, they did what few 21st-century policy makers would have dared: They balanced the federal budget and—via the still wet-behind-the-ears Federal Reserve—raised interest rates rather than lowering them. Curiously, the depression ran its course. Eighteen months elapsed from business-cycle peak to business-cycle trough—following which the 1920s roared.

The adage that “the past is a foreign country” is especially apt in economics. In 1920, “macroeconomics” had yet to be invented. People spoke of prosperity and depression but not of a national economy. Still less did they identify an organic whole for the government to manage. Intervention came later; by 1929, central bankers had begun to dabble in the technique of price-level “stabilization.” After the crash, President Herbert Hoover famously pressed employers not to cut wages.

Laissez faire had its last hurrah in 1921. In the 1920 Republican Party platform, the only comment on “national economy” had to do with the stewardship of the federal finances.

Borrowing and interest-rate suppression during World War I had fostered a postwar boom. Imbibing the inflationary ether, Harry Truman, then in his mid-30s, opened a new haberdashery in Kansas City. General Motors built the world’s largest headquarters building in Detroit. National City Bank , forerunner to today’s Citibank , overexpanded in Cuba.

The sky took its time in falling. A belated monetary tightening compounded the hardship of plunging prices—a combination that battered bankers, laborers, farmers, corporate titans and small businesspeople alike. By the close of 1920, Billy Durant, the flamboyant chief of GM, was broke and jobless. A year and a half later, the future 33rd president of the U.S. and his haberdashery partner were out of business, and the mighty City Bank was nursing its self-inflicted wounds in Cuba.

All this made 1921 a grim time. There had been a flu pandemic and a Red Scare. Labor and management were at each other’s throats. Prohibition had closed the bars and taverns (or driven them underground). Someone had fixed the 1919 World Series. And the Federal Reserve, determined to protect the purchasing power of the gold dollar, actually raised interest rates in the face of collapsing business activity—to as much as 8% in 1920. Without a federal safety net, people got by on savings, wits or charity—or they didn’t get by.

In the absence of anything resembling government stimulus, a modern economist may wonder how the depression of 1920-21 ever ended. Oddly enough, deflation turned out to be a tonic. Prices—and, critically, wages too—were allowed to fall, and they fell far enough to entice consumers, employers and investors to part with their money. Europeans, noticing that America was on the bargain counter, shipped their gold across the Atlantic, where it swelled the depression-shrunken U.S. money supply. Shares of profitable and well-financed American companies changed hands at giveaway valuations.

Of course, the year-and-a-half depression must have seemed interminable for all who were jobless or destitute. It was, however, a great deal shorter than the 43 months of the Great Depression of 1929-33. Then too, the 1922 recovery would bring tears of envy to today’s central bankers and policy makers: Passenger-car production shot up by 63%, for instance, and the Dow jumped by 21.5%. “From practically all angles,” this newspaper judged in a New Year’s Day 1923 retrospective, “1922 can be recorded as the renaissance of prosperity.”

In 2008, as Lehman Brothers toppled, the Great Depression monopolized the market on historical analogies. To avoid a recurrence of the 1930s, officials declared, the U.S. had to knock down interest rates, manipulate stock prices to go higher, repave the highways and trade in the clunkers.

The forgotten depression teaches a very different lesson. Sometimes the best stimulus is none at all.

Fonte:Mr. Grant is the author of “The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself.”

Custo da Obesidade

A obesidade é um dos mais graves problemas atuais. O seu custo pode ser mensurado em diversas atividades:

La obesidad tiene, además, otras implicaciones. La aerolínea australiana Qantas ha calculado que el peso de los pasajeros adultos se ha incrementado en dos kilos desde 2000, lo que supone un coste extra de un millón de dólares al año en combustible. Samoa Air, por ejemplo, es la primera en cobrar a sus pasajeros según su peso. El fabricante aeronáutico Airbus ya ofrece asientos más anchos para su modelo A320 y varias compañías constructoras de autobuses y trenes estudian hacer lo mismo. En el sector del automóvil han calculado que los pasajeros obesos aumentan el consumo de gasolina en millones de litros anuales, solo en EE UU. Por su parte, la Universidad de Buffalo (Nueva York) ha constatado que las personas sin exceso de peso son un 70% más propensas a usar el cinturón de seguridad que los obesos, lo que reduce la gravedad y coste de los accidentes.

Listas: Línguas com maiores números de artigos na Wikipedia

1) Inglês = 4,7 milhões
2) Sueco = 1,95 milhão
3) Holandês = 1,8 milhão
4) Alemão
5) Francês
6) Samarês
7) Cebuano
8) Russon
9) Italiano
10) Espanhol
11) Vietnamita
12) Polonês 1,1 milhão

(Português = 860 mil)

Fonte: Aqui

04 janeiro 2015

Rir é o melhor remédio

Fonte: Aqui

Inimigos Externos

Um comentário do El País sobre o discurso da presidente e os "inimigos externos":

Extraña porque la tentativa de echar sobre enemigos externos los males de un gobierno son más bien patrimonio de democracias frágiles, inseguras, dominadas por populistas o dictadores incapaces de hacer autocrítica de sus errores. (...)

Por lo que hasta ahora están descubriendo tanto la Policía Federal como los fiscales y jueces del Estado a través de los interrogatorios y de las delaciones premiadas, esos enemigos han anidado durante años dentro de la empresa, fueron elegidos por el gobierno, a veces, para agradar a los partidos aliados y ellos mismos están revelando que el demonio que tentó a Petrobras estaba dentro, muy dentro, no fuera.

Ninguno de ellos, ni siquiera los empresarios de lujo que hacían sus cambalaches con la empresa para obtener beneficios, ha acusado a algún enemigo externo de los males que aquejan a Petrobras de haberle hecho perder valor y prestigio.

Ya que la presidenta ha preferido el silencio sobre ese enigma de los “enemigos externos”, cabe imaginar que podría referirse, por ejemplo, a los medios de comunicación que sacaron a la luz pública los escándalos hoy confirmados por los jueces.

La libertad de los medios, sin embargo, de sacar a la luz pública los escándalos del poder no sólo no puede ser vista como “enemiga” de Petrobras, sino como un acicate más para ayudar al gobierno a poner remedio a los graves casos de corrupción, cada vez más numerosos y graves. (...)

Listas: Países com maior participação da Liga Inglesa de Futebol

Parece que o Brasil ainda é o país do futebol:

Fonte: Aqui

03 janeiro 2015

Nota de Falecimento: Professor Nelson

"É com imenso pesar que comunicamos o falecimento do Prof. Nelson Martin, na manhã desta sexta-feira (2). O professor teve fundamental importância na Finatec, sendo um dos instituidores da Fundação e ocupado cargo na Diretoria Executiva e nos Conselhos Superiores. Ele foi de grande importância na concretização da atual sede da Finatec.

Neste momento de dor, as palavras pouco confortam, mas ficam as memórias e as infindáveis recordações do professor Nelson Martin, que deixa seu legado na Finatec.

O corpo foi velado neste sábado (3) no cemitério Campo da Esperança, na capela 1, das 16h às 18h e será cremado na segunda-feira (5)."