
14 outubro 2014

Listas: Marcas mais valiosas

10 – Mercedez Benz – 34,3 bilhões
9 – McDonalds – 42,3
8 – Toyota – 45,4
7 – Samsung – 45,5
6 – General Electric – 45,5
5 – Microsoft – 61,2
4 – IBM – 72,2
3 – Coca-Cola – 81,6
2 – Google – 107,4
1 – Apple – 118,9

Fonte: Aqui

13 outubro 2014

Resultado da Qualificação técnica

O CFC divulgou os aprovados no QTG. O índice de aprovação foi de 37%:

O total de inscritos para as três provas – Qualificação Técnica Geral (QTG), específica para o Banco Central do Brasil e específica para a Superintendência de Seguros Privados (Susep) – foi de 1.497 contadores.

Para a prova de QTG, foram 1.177 inscritos, sendo que 433 foram aprovados – o que representa 36,79% de aprovação.

A prova específica para o Banco Central registrou 221 inscrições. Desse número, 71 obtiveram sucesso, ou seja, a aprovação foi de 32,13%.

O menor índice de aprovação foi registrado na prova específica para a Susep: 17,17% – dos 99 inscritos, apenas 17 foram aprovados.

Nobel de Economia

Ao contrário do previsto, o  Nobel de Economia foi para Jean Tirole. Francês, Tirole escreveu um livro de teoria de Finanças empresariais. Ele já era forte candidato desde 2007

Rir é o melhor remédio

A evolução da mão humana, das cavernas ao iPhone:

Previsões para o Nobel de Economia 2014

On Monday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will name its choice for the Nobel Prize in economics. In the run-up to that announcement, analysts and economists are engaged in some forecasting of their own about who might win.

The prize—officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel—was established in 1968 and is worth around $1.1 million. The shortlist seems to grow a little longer every year.

News and data firm Thomson Reuters publishes predictions every year of Nobel laureates based on the number of research citations those academics receive. This year, their frontrunners for the prize include Philippe Aghion of Harvard University and Peter Howitt of Brown University for their work advancing the growth theory of creative destruction.

William Baumol and Israel Kirzner, both of New York University, are also atop the Thomson Reuters slate for their research on entrepreneurship.

Tyler Cowen of George Mason University is also predicting Mr. Baumol—and possibly William Bowen, the former president of Princeton University—for their work on cost disease, or the phenomenon in which labor costs rise without a corresponding increase in output.

Mr. Baumol’s name comes up in a 1990 study by Eugene Garfield handicapping potential Nobel laureates-to-be. Garfield lists 50 of the most-cited economists between 1966 and 1985, of which 15 had already won the prize. Thomson Reuters notes that Mr. Baumol is 10th on that list, and that only one other economist—Martin Feldstein of Harvard University—is still living and has not won the prize.

Other perennial favorites for the study of economic growth include Paul Romer of NYU and Robert Barro of Harvard. Mr. Barro currently ranks No. 2 in research citations on a database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, behind his Harvard colleague Andrei Shleifer.

If the Nobel committee looks to award work on finance and regulation, Jean Tirole at theToulouse School of Economics is often mentioned.

Income inequality has been a hot topic this year, and Oxford’s Sir Tony Atkinson andAngus Deaton of Princeton have in the past been seen as frontrunners in this strand of the economics field.

Thomson Reuters also tabs a sociologist—Mark Granovetter of Stanford University—on its list for his study that the role of social relationships and networks play “a larger role in transactions than admitted in idealized narratives of rational choice with perfect information.”

Since 2002, the Thomson Reuters exercise has identified 36 eventual Nobel laureates in economics, chemistry, physics and medicine. This year, one of the awardees for the Nobel in physics—Shuji Nakamura—had been tabbed by the Thomson Reuters analysis in 2002 as a potential winner.

The WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath mused earlier this month about whether former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke might win for his work with NYU professors Mark Gertler andSimon Gilchrist, which looked at the damage done to the broader economy by convulsions in credit markets.

Last year, the prize went to a trio of American scholars—Eugene Fama and Lars Peter Hansen of the University of Chicago and Robert Shiller of Yale University—for their complementary but independent work on asset-price analysis.

Fonte: aqui

Ex-presidente da Oi e a auditoria

O jornal Folha de S Paulo informa que o ex-presidente da Oi está em Lisboa aguardando o resultado de uma auditoria que está sendo realizada e que pode responsabilizá-lo "por irregularidades na operação do empréstimo de ₢897 milhões da PT a uma empresa-sócia no Grupo Espírito Santo, um dos principais acionistas da tele."

A operação foi realizada quando Bava era presidente da Oi, mas custou o cargo na empresa. Ele afirma que não sabia da operação.

Listas: Os maiores campeões do mundo de futebol, pela UFCW

1. Escócia 86
2. Inglaterra 73
3. Argentina 59
4. Holanda 50
5. Rússia 41
6. Brasil 30
7. Alemanha 28
7. Suécia 28
9. Itália 27
10. França 25

Fonte: Aqui