
30 maio 2013

5 princípios de finanças

I own one finance textbook, and I occasionally open it to remind myself how little I know about finance. It's packed with formulas on complex option pricing, the Gaussian copula function, and a chapter titled, "Assessment of Confidence Limits of Selected Values of Complex-Valued Models." I have literally no idea what that means.
Should it bother me that there's so much about finance I don't know? I don't think so. As John Reed writes in his book Succeeding:
When you first start to study a field, it seems like you have to memorize a zillion things. You don't. What you need is to identify the core principles -- generally three to twelve of them -- that govern the field. The million things you thought you had to memorize are simply various combinations of the core principles.
Evolution tells you a lot about biology. A handful of cognitive biases explain most of psychology. Likewise, there are a few core principles that explain most of what we need to know about investing.
Here are five that come to mind.
1. Compound interest is what will make you rich. And it takes time.Warren Buffett is a great investor, but what makes him rich is that he's been a great investor for two thirds of a century. Of his current $60 billion net worth, $59.7 billion was added after his 50th birthday, and $57 billion came after his 60th. If Buffett started saving in his 30s and retired in his 60s, you would have never heard of him. His secret is time.
Most people don't start saving in meaningful amounts until a decade or two before retirement, which severely limits the power of compounding. That's unfortunate, and there's no way to fix it retroactively. It's a good reminder of how important it is to teach young people to start saving as soon as possible.
2. The single largest variable that affects returns is valuations -- and you have no idea what they'll doFuture market returns will equal the dividend yield + earnings growth +/- change in the earnings multiple (valuations). That's really all there is to it.
The dividend yield we know: It's currently 2%. A reasonable guess of future earnings growth is 5% per year.
What about the change in earnings multiples? That's totally unknowable.
Earnings multiples reflect people's feelings about the future. And there's just no way to know what people are going to think about the future in the future. How could you?
If someone said, "I think most people will be in a 10% better mood in the year 2023," we'd call them delusional. When someone does the same thing by projecting 10-year market returns, we call them analysts.
3. Simple is usually better than smartSomeone who bought a low-cost S&P 500 index fund in 2003 earned a 97% return by the end of 2012. That's great! And they didn't need to know a thing about portfolio management, technical analysis, or suffer through a single segment of "The Lighting Round."
Meanwhile, the average equity market neutral fancy-pants hedge fund lost 4.7% of its value over the same period, according to data from Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Indices. The average long-short equity hedge fund produced a 96% total return -- still short of an index fund.
Investing is not like a computer: Simple and basic can be more powerful than complex and cutting-edge. And it's not like golf: The spectators have a pretty good chance of humbling the pros.
4. The odds of the stock market experiencing high volatility are 100%Most investors understand that stocks produce superior long-term returns, but at the cost of higher volatility.
Yet every time -- every single time -- there's even a hint of volatility, the same cry is heard from the investing public: "What is going on?!"
Nine times out of ten, the correct answer is the same: Nothing is going on. This is just what stocks do.
Since 1900 the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC  ) has returned about 6% per year, but the average difference between any year's highest close and lowest close is 23%. Remember this the next time someone tries to explain why the market is up or down by a few percentage points. They are basically trying to explain why summer came after spring.
Someone once asked J.P. Morgan what the market will do. "It will fluctuate," he allegedly said. Truer words have never been spoken.
5. The industry is dominated by cranks, charlatans, and salesman.
  • The vast majority of financial products are sold by people whose only interest in your wealth is the amount of fees they can sucker you out of.
  • You need no experience, credentials, or even common sense to be a financial pundit. Sadly, the louder and more bombastic a pundit is, the more attention he'll receive, even though it makes him more likely to be wrong.
This is perhaps the most important theory in finance. Until it is understood you stand a high chance of being bamboozled and misled at every corner.
"Everything else is cream cheese."
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Dança do contador

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Suborno no Irã

A maior empresa de petróleo da França, a Total, pagou a um funcionário do governo do Irã 60 milhões dólares. O pagamento estaria disfarçada na contabilidade como "despesa de desenvolvimento de negócios". Com isto, a empresa viola o Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) que inibe subornos. Esta denúncia foi realizada pela SEC, que afirmou que a empresa lucrou mais de 150 milhões de dólares com a corrupção.

O pagamento ocorreu sob a forma de um contrato de consultoria para um intermediário indicado pelo funcionário iraniano.

Auditoria na Viavarejo

Contratada pela Via Varejo para levantar possíveis inconsistências na contabilidade, a auditoria KPMG descobriu diferenças de avaliação de valores que superestimaram o patrimônio da empresa em R$ 230 milhões.

A maior parte desse valor é uma diferença na avaliação do patrimônio da Casas Bahia e do Ponto Frio, empresas que se juntaram em 2010 para formar a Via Varejo.

A Folha apurou que R$ 170 milhões são resultado de uma diferença na avaliação dos ativos da Casas Bahia e da fabricante de móveis Bartira.

A cifra também inclui R$ 50 milhões em vendas supostamente realizadas pela Casas Bahia. As cerca de 73 mil notas fiscais dessas vendas desapareceram.

O relatório aponta ainda o não recolhimento do Imposto de Renda, PIS e Cofins e ICMS dessas vendas.

No Ponto Frio, a diferença patrimonial foi inicialmente de R$ 35 milhões.

Mas a Folha apurou que esse número pode chegar a R$ 60 milhões.

Além desses valores, a KMPG apontou novas inconsistências que não puderam ser mensuradas. Isso significa que o valor pode extrapolar os R$ 230 milhões.

Oficialmente, as empresas dizem que os números apontados pela KPMG não são definitivos, mas se negam a comentar o relatório, que é sigiloso e não pode ser usado em processos judiciais.

O assunto está sendo conduzido pelo comitê financeiro da Via Varejo com apoio técnico dos executivos.


Segundo apurou a reportagem, a solução que deverá ser aprovada é o pagamento das diferenças pelas partes para que o assunto seja encerrado.

Acerto semelhante foi feito no ano passado por outras diferenças.

Resolvida essa controvérsia entre os sócios, a empresa fica livre para seguir adiante com o plano da família Klein, que detém 47% da Via Varejo, de vender parte de suas ações por meio de abertura de capital da companhia.

A empresa foi avaliada em até R$ 12 bilhões -quase o triplo do valor na época da fusão. A abertura de capital agrada ao Casino, grupo francês que controla o Pão de Açúcar, dono dos outros 53%.

Procurada, a KPMG preferiu não comentar.

Auditoria vê diferença milionária na contabilidade da Via Varejo - JULIO WIZIACK e TONI SCIARRETTA, Folha de S Paulo, 29 de maio de 2013 (Dica de Alexandre Alcântara)

Auditoria e Regulador

O The Telegraph, ao analisar as empresas de auditoria, chama a atenção para um aspecto curioso da entidade reguladora da contabilidade do Reino Unido, o Financial Reporting Council. O FRC supervisiona o Accounting Standards Board (ASB), entidade responsável pelas normas contábeis do Reino Unido:

é uma entidade composta predominantemente por ex-funcionários das Big Four - Paul George, diretor-executivo de Conduta (...) é ex-sócio da KPMG, por exemplo, e também é financiado por empresas de contabilidade

Claramente o FRC necessita de maior independência.

29 maio 2013

Rir é o melhor remédio

Adaptado daqui


Prezado(a) Leitor(a),

O doutorando João Marcelo Alves Macêdo, do Programa Multi Institucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis UnB/UFPB/UFRN, precisa da sua colaboração. Primeiramente, solicitamos que participe de um questionário, através do link abaixo: 

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