
28 agosto 2008

Os melhores retornos dos mercados mundiais

O primeiro gráfico mostra o retorno do Mercado acionário global desde 12 de março de 2003. (Country Total Returns Since March 2003)

Analisando por país, o maior retorno foi do mercado brasileiro: 427%.

Dividendos obrigatórios

Zac Bissonnette, em China proposes stupid rules to force dividends comenta a regra que a CVM Chinesa (China Securities Regulatory Commission) que passará a exigir que empresas abertas paguem dividendos de 30% do lucro líquido. As empresas que não pagarem precisa apresentar uma explicação.

Para Bissonnette isto é uma regra estúpida: pagar dividendos quando uma empresa necessita de caixa. No Brasil já estamos tão acostumados com regra que esquecemos da sua racionalidade. Os dividendos mínimos obrigatórios é uma regra estúpida?

Sexo e Crescimento Econômico

O gráfico, retirado de Sex Causes Economic Growth, mostra a relação entre freqüência de sexo por ano e o crescimento econômico nos últimos 15 anos, para os países da OECD.

Fiquei na dúvida entre postar aqui este gráfico ou em "Rir é o melhor remédio".

Fonte: aqui

Fim do US GAAP 6

O assunto do dia é o cronograma da SEC para adoção da IFRS. Já tínhamos postado no dia 26 que isto poderia ocorrer (aqui link). Logicamente os primeiros artigos apresentam a versão oficial, com ênfase descritiva.

A quantidade de textos com a notícia é grande e fiz uma pequena seleção, a seguir. (Caso algum leitor tenha acesso a notícias interessantes sobre o assunto, peço enviar para meu e-mail: As imagens foram obtidas no Flickr

Boa leitura!

Fim do US GAAP 5 - Links

1) SEC Moves To Pull Plug On U.S. Accounting Standards - Wall Street Journal

2) SEC Opens Debate on Adopting International Accounting Rules - Washington Post

3) SEC Eases Filing Rules for Non-U.S. Firms - CFO

4) The End of GAAP Could Begin Next Year - CFO (inclui o cronograma da SEC)

5) SEC Proposed Roadmap toward IFRS - Blog IFRS Canadá

6) Accounting: the new world order - Blog da Megan McArdle

7) SEC Proposes Roadmap Toward Global Accounting Standards to Help Investors Compare Financial Information More Easily - Página da SEC

8) SEC Votes to Modernize Disclosure Requirements to Help U.S. Investors in Foreign Companies - Página da SEC

Fim do US GAAP 4

A medida da SEC foi comentada pelo New York Times (U.S. Moves Step Closer To Universal Accounting, Floyd Norris) destacando a questão da necessidade de aprender as novas regras:

While there is widespread agreement that one set of standards would have advantages for investors, there are concerns about the transition and about how uniform the accounts will be. American companies and auditors will have to learn new accounting rules.

da flexibilidade de sua adoção (através do exemplo da União Européia)

The European Union has asserted the right to approve or modify each standard issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, and did allow banks to ignore part of one standard. In an effort to deal with that issue, the S.E.C. has said it would accept filings using international standards only if they complied fully with the standards as issued by the board.

a possível alteração na estrutura do Iasb no futuro:

The international authorities are considering establishing a new monitoring body that would include regulators from many countries, which might have the power to approve or reject appointments to the board. If that group also had power to reject standards, it would raise fears that political considerations could damage the independence of the rule makers.

da aplicação uniforme das regras:

There would also be the question of uniform application of the rules. Early this year, the French regulator evidently approved a decision by a French bank, Societe Generale, which moved losses from a scandal from 2008, when they occurred, to the previous year. That move outraged some members of the international accounting board, and some regulators, but nothing was done about it.

das diferenças entre o Iasb e o Fasb. A questão de padrões baseados em princípios ou regras e suas implicações:

While it is often said that the international rules are based on standards, and the American ones on rules, the differences are more in degree than nature. Still, in many cases the international rules will require more professional judgment from auditors. Some auditors have liked rules, because they enable them simply to tell a company that a proposed accounting treatment violates a rule. Also, rules ostensibly provide a defense if the accounts are later challenged in a lawsuit.

In a world with more professional judgment, the auditors would be expected to tell companies that a given accounting treatment violates a standard because it produces a misleading result. Whether they would be willing to do that, and whether all would be equally willing, could become an issue.

The major accounting firms have broadly endorsed the move. The international standards provide ''the best opportunity to achieve the goal of a single set of high quality standards'' around the world, said David Kaplan, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers. ''The commission took a significant step today toward that objective.''

a questão do financiamento do Iasb

Another issue is the financing of the International Accounting Standards Board, which now comes from contributions from companies and accounting firms. The Financial Accounting Standards Board used to be financed in the same way, but the Sarbanes-Oxley law passed in 2002 changed that, instead giving it the right to levy charges on public companies. That was viewed as necessary to assure its independence.

Conrad Hewitt, the chief accountant of the S.E.C., said he was confident that within five years the international board would have secured a stable financing mechanism.

Fim do US GAAP 3

(...) Sir David Tweedie, chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which has been pushing for the US to change its practice to create a global standard, welcomed the SEC's move. He described it as "another important vote of confidence'' in plans being hatched by the IASB and its US equivalent - the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) - to create a more uniform set of accounting practices.

"We at the IASB are committed to continuing and completing our joint work programme with the FASB,'' said Sir David.

"The result of our work will be an improved set of IFRSs to assist investors throughout the world.''

(...) Christopher Cox, SEC chairman, said: "The proposed roadmap is cautious and careful.'' (...)

SEC unveils road map for US to adopt international standard
Yvette Essen - The Daily Telegraph - 28/08/2008