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Mostrando postagens com marcador verdade. Mostrar todas as postagens

24 setembro 2022

Jogo da Verdade

Uma animação, baseado na teoria dos jogos, mostra a importância da confiança no mundo. Leva alguns minutos.

Antecipando o resultado:

What the game is, defines what the players do. Our problem today isn't just that people are losing trust, it's that our environment acts against the evolution of trust.

That may seem cynical or naive -- that we're "merely" products of our environment -- but as game theory reminds us, we are each others' environment. In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game.

So, do what you can do, to create the conditions necessary to evolve trust. Build relationships. Find win-wins. Communicate clearly. Maybe then, we can stop firing at each other, get out of our own trenches, cross No Man's Land to come together...

(Dica: Mariana Ferreira, grato)