Um texto do The Economist mostra a profissão contábil no Afeganistão (aqui com restrições aos não assinantes). Em um país destruído pela guerra, o texto mostra o excessivo rigor com que os legisladores estão conduzindo as normas de atuação do profissional no país.
Segundo o texto, em 2009 a capital de 4 milhões de pessoas tinha 20 contadores certificados. E não havia supervisão profissional. Mas a contabilidade não seria condição essencial para o desenvolvimento do capitalismo?
Mostrando postagens com marcador afeganistão. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador afeganistão. Mostrar todas as postagens
14 janeiro 2018
22 janeiro 2014
Mulheres no Afeganistão
Antes do Talibã, as mulheres afegãs tinham muito mais liberdade:

Uma loja de discos em Kabul

Uma aula de biologia na Universidade de Kabul

Afghan university students, 1967. Photo credit: Dr. Bill Podlich, Retronaut
Afghan university students, 1967. Photo credit: Dr. Bill Podlich, Retronaut

Public transporation in Kabul

University students, early 1970s

Women working in one of the labs at the Vaccine Research Center

Mothers and children playing at a city park—without male chaperones
According to a State Department report from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor from 2001: Prior to the rise of the Taliban, women in Afghanistan were protected under law and increasingly afforded rights in Afghan society. Women received the right to vote in the 1920s; and as early as the 1960s, the Afghan constitution provided for equality for women. There was a mood of tolerance and openness as the country began moving toward democracy. Women were making important contributions to national development. In 1977, women comprised over 15% of Afghanistan’s highest legislative body. It is estimated that by the early 1990s, 70% of schoolteachers, 50% of government workers and university students, and 40% of doctors in Kabul were women. Afghan women had been active in humanitarian relief organizations until the Taliban imposed severe restrictions on their ability to work. These professional women provide a pool of talent and expertise that will be needed in the reconstruction of post-Taliban Afghanistan. Even under Hamid Karzai’s government, with the recently approved Code of Conduct for women, all of the women shown in these photographs, taken in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and early ‘70s, could still can be faulted with improper behavior, according to clerics and government officials.
Uma loja de discos em Kabul
Uma aula de biologia na Universidade de Kabul
Afghan university students, 1967. Photo credit: Dr. Bill Podlich, Retronaut
Afghan university students, 1967. Photo credit: Dr. Bill Podlich, Retronaut
Public transporation in Kabul
University students, early 1970s
Women working in one of the labs at the Vaccine Research Center
Mothers and children playing at a city park—without male chaperones
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