Apresentarão os discursos programáticos:
- Roque Benavides, Presidente e CEO, Association of Corporate Directors of Peru / Cia de Minas Buenaventura.
- Maria Helena dos Santos Fernandes de Santana, Presidente, CVM, Brasil.
Dentre os palestrantes:
- André Covre, CFO, Ultrapar, Brasil
- Stephen Harold Dover, Managing Director, International Chief Investment Officer, Franklin Templeton Investments, EUA
- Arminio Fraga, Founding Partner, Gavea Investimentos Ltda. Chairman of the Board, BM&FBovespa, Brasil
- Jon Feigelson, SMD, General Counsel & Head of Corporate Governance, TIAA-CREF, USA
- Andrea Grobocopatel, Vice President, Grupo Los Grobo, Argentina
- Catherine Howarth, CEO, Fairpensions, Reino Unido
- Eliane Lustosa, Partner, Triscorp Investments. Former Investment Director of Petros (Petrobras pension fund), Brasil
- Adalberto Palma, Executive President, Association of Mexican Financial Institutions, Mexico
- Peter Montagnon, Senior Investment Advisor, FRC, Reino Unido
- Anne Simpson, Senior Portfolio Manager, CalPERS, EUA
- Simon Wong, Executive Partner and Managing Director, Governance for Owners LLP, Reino Unido
- Zhang Zhengjun, Senior Research Fellow, Development, Research Centre of the State Council, China