O Conselho de Estabilidade Financeira (FSB) apresentou ontem dois relatórios sobre a questão do risco financeiro relacionado com o clima. O primeiro é um relatório sobre as abordagens regulatórias e de risco sobre o clima. O segundo é sobre o progresso na divulgação sobre o clima, que analisa o progresso do novo normatizador global, leia-se ISSB, e de outros normatizadores.
No primeiro relatório, eis um trecho sobre o Brasil:
In Brazil, Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) has developed regulatory reporting for Social, Environmental and Climate risks (DRSAC) to be in effect in 2023. Large and medium-sized financial institutions will be required to send, on a semi-annually basis, qualitative and quantitative information related to the exposure of their loan book and securities to social, environmental and climate risks. The BCB will also require information on counterparties, such as economic sector, risk amplifiers and mitigators, geographical location of assets and net GHG emissions. This reporting aims to help the BCB in mapping exposures of the financial system to these risks, supporting the development of its micro and macroprudential actions.E sobre a recente iniciativa do CFC - via CPC - de espelhar o ISSB:
In Brazil, the Foundation of the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) has established a new standard-setting board, the Brazilian Sustainability Pronouncements Committee (CBPS), whose role will be to internalise the ISSB standards. CVM expects to endorse all sustainability disclosure standards issued by CBPS, using an endorsement process like the current one used to endorse accounting standards issued by CPC (as issued by IFRS).
O FSB é uma importante entidade relacionada com o mercado financeiro. Foto: