
23 março 2022


A hipótese do mercado eficiente (EMH) é bastante conhecida na literatura de finanças. Mas e a FMH ou hipótese do mercado fractal? Interessante, não? Eis um resumo:

The fractal market hypothesis (FMH) is one of the frontier theories of emerging finance and nonlinear science. The relationship between the FMH and the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is easy to be confused, and its guiding role in investment practice needs to be clarified. For this reason, the theoretical origin, evolution, and cross-integration of EMH and FMH were expounded in this study using the phylogenetic method. The basic work illustrated in this study could help promote the integration and development of securities investment frontier theories using a more unified analysis framework and could guide investment practice at a higher level.

Muito interessante também a linha evolutiva dos autores:

Note que a EMH não começou com Fama, como muitos pensam. O quadro a seguir faz a diferença entre as duas teorias

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