
26 abril 2020

Medallion: o rei do mercado financeiro


The performance of Renaissance Technologies’ Medallion fund provides the ultimate counterexample to the hypothesis of market efficiency. Over the period from the start of trading in 1988 to 2018, $100 invested in Medallion would have grown to $398.7 million, representing a compound return of 63.3%. Returns of this magnitude over such an extended period far outstrip anything reported in the academic literature. Furthermore, during the entire 31-year period, Medallion never had a negative return despite the dot.com crash and the financial crisis. Despite this remarkable performance, the fund’s market beta and factor loadings were all negative, so Medallion’s performance cannot be interpreted as a premium for risk bearing. To date, there is no adequate rational market explanation for this performance.

Medallion Fund: The Ultimate Counterexample?Bradford Cornel The Journal of Portfolio Management March 2020, 46 (4) 156-159; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3905/jpm.2020.1.128

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