
12 setembro 2019

IA, Capital Humano e Inovação

Uma pesquisa mostrou como a fuga de profissionais das universidades pode afetar a inovação. Entre 2004 a 2018, muitos professores na área de tecnologia saíram das universidades. E isto reduziu a criação de starups por parte dos alunos.

Human capital is essential to AI-driven innovation. The scarcity of the human capital needed for AI RD created an unprecedented brain drain of AI professors from North American universities into the industry between 2004 and 2018. We provide a causal evidence that AI faculty departures from universities reduced the creation of startups by students who then graduated from these universities. On the intensive margin, these departures also reduce the early-stage funding graduates’ startups receive. The disruption in the knowledge transfer from professors to students emerges as the main channel for the negative effect of the human capital reallocation for innovation.

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