
13 março 2013

Artigos influentes

Eis uma relação curiosa: os artigos mais influentes em economia. Algumas polêmicas e ausências.

A Theory of Production - 1928 - Charles W. Cobb e Paul H. Douglas
The Use of Knowledge In Society" - 1945 - Friedrich Hayek
Economic Growth and Income Inequality - 1955 - Simon Kuznets
The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment - 1958 - Franco Modigliani e Merton Miller
A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas - 1961 - Robert A. Mundell
Capital Theory and Investment Behavior - 1963 - Dale W. Jorgenson
Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care - 1963 - Kenneth J. Arrow
National Debt In A Neoclassical Growth Model - 1965 - Peter A. Diamond
Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity - 1965 - Avinash K. Dixit e Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Role of Monetary Policy - 1968 - Milton Friedman
Migration, Unemployment and Development - 1970 - John R. Harris e Michael Todaro
Optimal Taxation and Public Production - 1971- Peter A. Diamond e James A. Mirrlees
Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization - 1972 - Armen A. Alchian e Harold Demsetz
Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs - 1973 - Robert E. Lucas, Jr.
The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal's Problem - 1973 - Stephen A. Ross
The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society - 1974 - Anne O. Kreuger
An Almost Ideal Demand System - 1980 - Angus S. Deaton e John Muellbauer
Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade - 1980 - Paul Krugman
On The Impossibility Of Informationally Efficient Markets - 1980 - Sanford Grossman
Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends? - 1981 - Stephen A. Ross

O ano de 1980 teve três artigos citados. E a série parou em 1981. Mas várias ausências: Coase, Samuelson, etc.

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