
02 dezembro 2012

Responsabilidade Fiscal no mundo

Trabalho do FMI sobre leis de responsabilidade fiscal no mundo:

Fiscal Rules Dataset
1985 - 2012

IMF Fiscal Affairs Department
November, 2012

What are Fiscal Rules? A fiscal rule imposes a long-lasting constraint on fiscal policy through numerical limits on budgetary aggregates. Fiscal rules typically aim at correcting distorted incentives and containing pressures to overspend, particularly in good times, so as to ensure fiscal responsibility and debt sustainability.

About this Dataset: It provides systematic information on the use and design of fiscal rules covering national and supranational fiscal rules in 81 countries from 1985 to end-March 2012. The dataset covers four types of rules: budget balance rules (BBR), debt rules (DR), expenditure rules (ER), and revenue rules (RR), applying to the central or general government or the public sector. It also presents details on various characteristics of rules, such as their legal basis, coverage, escape clauses, as well as enforcement procedures, and takes stock of key supporting features that are in place, including independent monitoring bodies and fiscal responsibility laws.

Artigo: Fiscal Rules in Response to the Crisis—Toward the “Next-Generation” Rules. A New Dataset

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