
22 abril 2011

As IFRS podem pode evitar a próxima crise?

Por Pedro Correia

David Albrecth, que é contrário à adoção das IFRS nos EUA,responde a esta pergunta:

Convergence of accounting standards is a bad idea. The academic theory is that market participants benefit from detailed information tailored to that specific market. Given that capital markets are local (but are linked around the world) it makes sense that local accounting standards (that force companies to disclose as much detail as possible) would provide the greatest value.

Em seguida opina sobre o impacto da auditoria e das normas contábeis na próxima crise:

There is no theory to suggest that audit opinions will be trustworthy. If audit opinions aren’t trustworthy, then there is no effective check on the numbers reported by companies in their financial statemeents.

The two work together. If converged accounting standards are company friendly, and auditors are paid to be company friendly, then it is likely that accounting and auditors will not delay, by even a day, the next financial crisis.

I hope the reporters heard my message.

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