
08 março 2011

Agora é Harvard

Agora é Harvard - Postado por Pedro Correia

Semana passada a LSE ficou em situação delicada ao revelarem as suas ligações com Kadafi. Agora é Harvard.

It reads like Libyan government propaganda, extolling the importance of Moammar Khadafy, his theories on democracy, and his “core ideas on individual freedom.’’

But the 22-page proposal for a book on Khadafy was written by Monitor Group, a Cambridge-based consultant firm founded by Harvard professors. The management consulting firm received $250,000 a month from the Libyan government from 2006 to 2008 for a wide range of services, including writing the book proposal, bringing prominent academics to Libya to meet Khadafy “to enhance international appreciation of Libya’’ and trying to generate positive news coverage of the country

Fonte: Local consultants aided Khadafy

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