
10 agosto 2008

Valor justo do passivo

A questão do uso do valor justo para avaliar o passivo e a conseqüência em termos de resultado (com a crise, reduz-se o passivo e aumenta o resultado):

Can a bank make more money by becoming less creditworthy? That is the curious conclusion to be drawn from an accounting quirk that has been a feature of recent results by several large UK banks.

Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland this week reported hundreds of millions of pounds in gains on the carrying value of their own debt. These profits helped partly to offset the heavy losses the banks had suffered on complex debt securities. For RBS, the £812m gain on its debt helped to more than halve the reported pre-tax loss.

This strange accounting stems from the fact that, under the "fair value" convention in international accounting rules, banks must revalue assets and liabilities on their balance sheets at regular intervals and recognise the change in value in their profit and loss statement.

Fair value debt profits can be booked . . . for now - Peter Thal Larsen - 9 August 2008 - Financial Times - London Ed1 - 15

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