
18 agosto 2008

Finanças Comportamentais e Macro-Economia

This study investigates whether the adverse effects of investors' behavioral biases extend beyond the domain of financial markets to the broad macro-economy. Our results demonstrate that risk sharing (RS) levels are higher in U.S. states in which investors have higher cognitive abilities and exhibit weaker behavioral biases"

"Because direct measures of cognitive abilities of stock market participants are not available, we use the demographic characteristics of the brokerage investors (e.g., income, education, age, social networks, etc.) to define a cognitive ability or “smartness” proxy for each investor and use these imputed cognitive ability measures to obtain aggregated state-level measures of cognitive abilities."

"The average RS in states with less sophisticated investors (= 0.131) is less than half of the average RS in states with greater investor sophistication (= 0.324). Collectively, our evidence indicates that the aggregate behavioral biases of individual investors infl‡uence the level of risk sharing across the U.S. states."

Korniotis, George M. and Kumar, Alok,Do Behavioral Biases Adversely Affect the Macro-Economy? (August 12, 2008).
Disponível aqui

Talvez seja o primeiro estudo que faz um vínculo entre finanças comportamentais e macro-economia.

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