
04 junho 2008

Valor Justo

Um texto sobre valor justo do Financial Times (‘Fair value’ storm makes banks spell out stance, Jennifer Hughes & Gillian Tett - Financial Times - 30 May 2008 - Asia Ed1 - 15, aqui) mostra que a discussão sobre a adoção do valor justo no sistema financeiro ainda é motivo de discórdia:

In a paper written last month and seen by the Financial Times, the Institute of International Finance, which has 300 banks among its members, proposed to relax some of the classifications for financial instruments and to ease the rules in times of financial stress. It claimed that taking prices in illiquid markets “results in valuations that do not provide a true picture of the financial positions of firms”.

(...) The Financial Times’ reporting of the original paper last week prompted Goldman Sachs to threaten to leave the IIF, calling the proposals “Alice in Wonderland” accounting.

There is growing recognition by regulators that the introduction of fair value accounting on a wide scale has changed the dynamics of how the financial system responds to crises.

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