
13 junho 2008

Mais sobre Valor justo

Segundo Michael Starkie, contador da BP, o International Accounting Standards Board, responsável pela convergência internacional, não possui experiência da produzir regras contábeis "truly useful".

Mr Starkie's views also reflect a long-running concern among many accountants and investors about the focus of some IASB members on developing a coherent theoretical accounting framework without due regard for business practicalities. The danger, they fear, is that if accounting becomes less reflective of companies' operations, investors could lose trust in published accounts, which would raise the cost of capital for companies and upset financial markets.

Accounting rule-makers attacked for putting theory before reality
Jennifer Hughes - Financial Times - 12/06/2008 - London Ed1 - 17

the fundamental problem is the members of the IASB. Collectively as board members they do not have the experience and wisdom to produce and maintain accounting standards that are useful for the capital markets and the wider economy. And some of the board members are clearly committed to an extreme view of recognition and measurement which will severely damage the operation of markets and ultimately economies. Recent appointments to the board are too little and too late to change the overall thrust.

I call on the IASC Foundation trustees to take urgent action to reconstitute the board so that the accounting community can try again to capture the potential benefits of this global opportunity.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - Accounting rule-makers putting markets at risk
12 June 2008 - Financial Times - Asia Ed1 - 08
From Mr Michael Starkie.

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