
07 março 2008

Fair value

Um texto do Financial Times ataca o Fair Value (Banks wallow in the muddy waters of 'fair value' rules, de Christopher Whalen, 6/3/2008). Segundo Whalen, uma grande parte da crise é proveniente de perdas de "não-caixa" em razão da adoção do valor justo nos Estados Unidos.

Fair value accounting is a utopian concept that traces its intellectual roots back to the same origins as efficient market theory, the wellspring for most of the discredited quantitative models employed by the global banks to create the subprime mess. Unfortunately, the proponents of fair value accounting ignored the invocations of classical theorists who stated that liquid markets are a necessary condition for using market prices, either as a surrogate for measuring risk or for valuation.

Fair value accounting is a good idea in theory, but like most good ideas it is difficult to implement. Sylvain Raines, a lecturer at Baruch College in New York, told a meeting of the Professional Risk Managers International Association last September: "The Chicago School of Economics has been telling us for a century that price and value are identical, i.e. that they are the same number . . . If we do not recognise the fundamental difference that exists between price and value, then we are doomed."

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