
07 janeiro 2008


Um texto interessante do Financial Times (Sharp reminder of how auditing jargon can hurt, escrito pela Jennifer Hughes, 2/1/2008, Ed1, Page 17) comenta sobre o jargão de auditoria. A autora coloca que os investidores aguardam, todo ano, as demonstrações contábeis e o parecer de auditoria se os negócios estão em processo de continuidade. Este ano, a consideração da "continuidade" será crítica para os investidores como um sinal. Conforme lembra Hughes, tecnicamente "estar em continuidade" significa que um negócio é considerado viável. Caso contrário, existindo um opinião adversa, isto significa problemas.

In auditing standards, cause for the emphases are preceded by dire-sounding phrases such as "significant level of concern" and "material uncertainty."

"The wording is horrid. There is a danger the market will react and that the words become a prophecy that is self-fulfilling," said Martyn Jones, national audit technical partner at Deloitte. "There clearly needs to be a lot of early work by companies to make sure the going concern area is dealt with properly."

Auditors have good reason to worry about professional liability. After the meltdown of so many dotcom companies in 2001, a wave of lawsuits followed.

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